Friday, May 12, 2017

The Easiest Ways To Learn To Draw Graffiti Today

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There are a lot of people that have asked me how to tag graffiti. What I tell most people is simple enough, you have to get a guide or find a friend that is really good at tagging. I was fortunate enough to grow up in Los Angeles. Finding people that tag was easy. I also went to art school. I have a degree in art, and while I don’t tag as much as I’d like, I can truly say that there are only a few ways to learn how to tag graffiti.

Get A Guidebook

There are a lot of books that talk about how to draw graffiti correctly. You could search online for, how to tag graffiti, and you’ll find hundreds of thousands of listings. That’s a good thing, but you may find that it’s hard to consolidate all of the information into something that is grand. The easiest way to attack this is to follow the links that are provided below, as they are focused on the best ways to make money doing graffiti, and how to learn on the fly. I can attest to each option being good overall.

Practice On Cardboard

Go to the hardware store and purchase moving boxes. That’s the cheapest way to have cardboard around to practice your graffiti. If you want to make sure that you’re practicing your art form, you’ll need to have a canvas. As you look into how to tag graffiti, you’re going to find that a canvas is important to work through. Cardboard boxes can be purchased for as little as sixty cents or less overall. Once you have a lot of boxes, practice painting on them. Once you learn how to tag graffiti, you’ll be able to create amazing solutions overall.

Just Keep Working On It

I cannot stress enough that you need to keep painting. You need to focus on how to tag graffiti in terms of hours invested. If you were to invest an hour a day to drawing graffiti, and learning, you would become a master. In regards to formal education, it took me 4 years to complete a bachelor’s degree in art. If I were to have only worked on learning how to draw graffiti, it may have taken a lot less time, assuming all I was doing was working with spray paint.

If you want to learn how to tag graffiti, then you will want to focus on the following links. They will help you learn the right tagging technique, and will even show you how to make money with spray paint art. It’s possible to make a lot of money in these methods, as long as you can harness your skill set, and learn the right graffiti elements overall.

Want to learn graffiti? Click HERE for an easy to follow guide!

Want to make money with your graffiti? Click Here For Free Lessons!

Do you take pictures of graffiti and want to sell them? Click here to learn more about how you can make money with stock graffiti images today!

Thursday, May 11, 2017

3 Reasons Why You Can’t Learn Graffiti Without Help

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There are millions of people that love graffiti artwork. When you ask them if they know how to do it, they will say, no. Artists of all types may be good at drawing, and have ideas for what would work with graffiti art, but they may not know how to draw graffiti step by step. There are a few reasons why many don’t know how to write graffiti and why they may not learn. If you have tried and you are getting stuck, perhaps the following reasons will point you in the right direction.

You’re Not Using The Right Instructions

The biggest thing about how to draw graffiti step by step, is that you need to have a source. Whether it’s someone to help you learn how to draw lines, or it’s a book or guide, you need to have instructions. Without instructions on how to draw graffiti, you are not going to be able to gain the upper hand. You’re not learning because you’re using the wrong information or you’re trying too hard, simple as that.

You’re Trying Too Hard On The Wrong Surfaces

The next reason why you aren’t really learning is because you’re trying on the wrong surfaces. As you look into how to draw graffiti step by step, you’re going to find that there are some surfaces that aren’t going to work well with your spray paint. Without the right solution, you’re going to end up losing out. You need to have the right kind of paint, and you need to have a little time to create your masterpiece. If you’re just trying to tag graffiti because you have nothing better to do, then perhaps this doesn’t matter.

You’re Not Using The Right Caps

When you start to get into how to draw graffiti step by step, you’re going to find that you need to have the right caps. The cap of your spray paint can will dictate whether or not you’re going to be able to get moving forward with the right images. You cannot draw fine lines, and broad strokes without putting a little effort into the caps that you’re using for the spray paint that you want to utilize.

At the end of the day, if you want to learn how to draw graffiti step by step, you’re going to need to look into the right information. That’s where the following links come into play. Use these as a foundation to learn how to draw graffiti the right way, simple as that. You can learn, it’s just a matter of addressing the problems mentioned above.

Want to learn graffiti? Click HERE for an easy to follow guide!

Want to make money with your graffiti? Click Here For Free Lessons!

Do you take pictures of graffiti and want to sell them? Click here to learn more about how you can make money with stock graffiti images today!

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